
Inefficacy of Valuable COVID Drug Against New Variants Spur Drugmakers for Fast-track Test for New Ones

Healthcare Life Style

One of the first times monoclonal antibodies were used to help a patient with COVID were recalled by Aaron Glatt. In November 2020, during the first year of the pandemic, and before there weren’t really drugs that could be used to treat people with early onset of illness, stated Glatt, an infectious disease expert.

The first time monoclonal antibodies were administered to an elderly woman, who was coughing and weak. Shortly after infusion of antibody began, the patient showed an amazing turnaround. Her breathing improved, and she began to perk up.

The happy result couldn’t be repeated today. During the past two years, although millions of people with COVID were successfully treated with these antibodies, the evolution of the virus has rendered them practically to be useless because they don’t bloc new subvariants such as BQ 1.1, which is currently present in highest number in the U.S.

Earlier, in November, the U.S. FDA cancelled authorization of the last COVID monoclonal antibody commercially available, to not leave any drug for therapy. Meanwhile, drug companies are working on updated versions. The drugs, however, will be available in a few months, rather than years, and depends on if the FDA will accept fact-track gathered during laboratory studies

Scientifically, monoclonal antibodies are critical line of treatment for millions of people with immune system problems, and are at high risk of infection because the body does not respond to vaccines effectively. For instance, cancer patients and organ transplant recipients treated with immune-suppressing drugs can’t lead normal lives for fear of COVID, stated an infectious disease expert at Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina.

The antibodies are important for those who can’t take Paxlovid antiviral pills as they interact badly with other medications.

Edward Turner

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